“The Elizabethan Academy is an inclusive school.” -Ofsted 2024
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“I can work independently in a calm environment but still with support in lessons when I need it.” - Alternate Provision Student
Another aspect of our commitment to being an inclusive school is our outreach classrooms at the Idle Valley Nature Reserve. Some young people, during their secondary school journey, may struggle to access their normal lessons and classes for reasons including anxiety, emotional and mental health, long term illness or behavioural issues and our off-site provision offers a therapeutic environment where education can continue and short-term turn-around interventions implemented within small groups. This provision is delivered by our own staff, as an extension of our school and is personalised to meet the needs of individual students. The Idle Valley setting offers an excellent setting to work in this unique and inclusive way and allows our students to complete some voluntary service in the environment that offers them so much. issues and our off-site provision offers a therapeutic environment where education can continue and short-term turn-around interventions implemented within small groups. This provision is delivered by our own staff, as an extension of our school and is personalised to meet the needs of individual students. The Idle Valley setting offers an excellent setting to work in this unique and inclusive way and allows our students to complete some voluntary service in the environment that offers them so much. of our commitment t being an ol is our outreach classrooms at the ure Reserve. Some young people, condary school journey, ay ess their n rma lesso s and classes uding anxiety, emotional and long term illness or behavioural off-site provision offers a vironment where education nd short-term turn-around mplemented within small groups. is delivered by our own staff, as our school and is personalised to of individual students. T Idle offers an excellent setting to work and inclusive way and allows our mplete some voluntary service in nt that offers them so much.
Cadets and Duke of Edinburgh The Combined Cadet Force has long been established in the independent sector and the Elizabethan is one of a few state schools in the country to offer students this opportunity and our provision is expanding rapidly. The CCF, alongside the Duke of Edinburgh’s award, enables the development of students’ personal responsibility, leadership and self-discipline.
We have a proud tradition of excellence in the Performing Arts which has previously been recognised though a Gold Artsmark Award. Our KLJK SURÀ OH SURGXFWLRQV VXFK DV ¶&KLFDJR· ¶,Q the Heights’ and ‘Les Misérables’ spearhead a range of opportunities for performers across all disciplines. This includes regular visits to see large scale theatre productions and workshops with professionals working within the arts industry. Recent graduates from our Sixth Form KDYH SURJUHVVHG WR VRPH RI WKH FRXQWU\·V À QHVW drama schools including ArtsEd, East 15 Acting School and Birmingham Conservatoire, as well as working professionally in organisations such as The Royal Shakespeare Company. Performing arts
Trips at home and abroad We value the extensive experiences trips can offer our young people so organise a number of them within and outside of the country: visits to France, Spain and Germany to practice the ODQJXDJH DQG H[SHULHQFH WKH FXOWXUH À UVWKDQG ski-ing in Europe; Euro-Disney; Expressive Arts trip to Los Angeles, Camps International expeditions. Most subjects run trips to secure knowledge and understanding or widen experiences including museums, concerts, WKHDWUHV À HOGZRUN VSRUWV À [WXUHV DQG D <HDU team building trip to an outdoor education centre ZLWKLQ WKHLU À UVW KDOI WHUP T ip at home and abroad We value the extensive experiences trips can offer our young people so organise a number of them within and outside of the country: visits to France, Spain and Germany to practice the ODQJXDJH DQG H[SHULHQFH WKH FXOWXUH À UVWKDQG ski-ing in Europe; Euro-Disney; Expressive Arts trip to Los Angeles, Camps International expeditions. Most subjects run trips to secure knowledge and understanding or widen experiences including museums, concerts, WKHDWUHV À HOGZRUN VSRUWV À [WXUHV DQG D <HDU team building trip to an outdoor education centre ZLWKLQ WKHLU À UVW KDOI WHUP
All our courses are taug experienced teachers wh to get the best out of our continue to rise year on pass rate in all subjects a B in line with schools na this mean our students p levels but it also enables WKHLU À UVW FKRLFH XQLYHUV or other employment. W students progress into fu HPSOR\PHQW DW D VLJQLÀ other sixth forms nation Whilst we offer a wide r also recognise that not a follow the traditional A such we have a range of September 2022, we star /HYHO TXDOLÀ FDWLRQV 7 / three A Levels with an e placement opportunity study. This has provided scope for what they wis options and opportuniti If you are a hard-workin to develop academically wants to join a vibrant, s Form then we would str
by specialist, know exactly how tudents. Our results ear with a very high d the top grades of A*- onally. Not only does rform at the highest hem to gain places at HV DSSUHQWLFHVKLS are proud that our ther education or QWO\ KLJKHU UDWH WKDQ ly. nge of courses, we students wish to evel route and as pplied courses and in d to deliver the new T YHOV DUH HTXLYDOHQW WR ensive industry work mplementing school our students with more to do, giving them more . individual who wants personally and who udent-centered Sixth ngly encourage your ¡
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To our Sixth Form Centre The majority of students here at the Elizabethan continue their studies with us and see it as their À UVW DQG REYLRXV FKRLFH +RZHYHU \RX GRQ·W need to be a student of the Academy to join our excellent Sixth Form. Every year we welcome students from other schools from across the FRXQWU\ DQG IXUWKHU DÀ HOG Application forms are available on our website along with supporting information and deadlines for submissions. If you would like to know more about our post 16 provision, please contact our Director of Sixth Form, to see what we can offer you. Lee Dainty Daintyl@elizabethan.notts.sch.uk j e t j x . r u e f r c I O c o r a a l r w lo i u i o i n e d . l o t o v , ase o re r , t can f . a n i y a .not . h.u ¥ ¦