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Admissions Consultation 2026-2027

Period of consultation: 18 December 2024 to 31 January 2025

The Elizabethan Academy, as the admission authority, is consulting on its admission arrangements for 2026-2027 and invites you to give your views. 

Background information

The School Admissions Code requires all admission authorities to consult on any changes proposed to their admission arrangements.   A copy of the full proposed admission arrangements must also be available on the website for the duration of the consultation period.  Below are the documents for the consultation.

Draft Admissions Policy 2026-2027

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Does the removal of the Arts Aptitude Criterion change the opportunities available to students with this aptitude?  No.  The academy intends to use the resources made available by the reduction in the administration of this criterion to increase the support for students who are identified as arts scholars.  Further, we are seeking ways to increase the reach of the current program.
  2. Will the introduction of a catchment area mean more parents can apply? Parents can apply to any school regardless of whether they reside in the catchment area or otherwise.  The Academy's analysis does not suggest a significant change in the number of applications as a result of this change.

You can give your views on the consultation between 18 December 2024 to 31 January 2025 in the following way: