Academy Governors’ Meetings
By law, governing bodies must meet at least three times every year, as a Full Governing Body, but the on-going business is discussed by smaller committees. All areas of the Academy’s work are discussed, reported on and decisions are taken by a majority vote.
A typical Governors’ meeting agenda might include:
- Principal’s report and issues raised
- Update on Personnel matters e.g. appointments made
- Reports from the Committees: Pastoral, Curriculum, Personnel and Finance
- Budget Monitoring
- A review of recent and forthcoming Academy events and initiatives
- Governor training
- Any current key or current issues (e.g. academy status, Ofsted requirements)
At The Elizabethan Academy we have 2 sub-committees which meet at least once a term, and sometimes more frequently, if circumstances demand it. The committees are:
- Finance, Risk and Audit
- Quality of Education
In addition to the above subcommittees, the Finance, Risk and Audit committee have a sub committee to support the review of performance management outcomes including of the principal.
There is also a Governors’ Exclusion Committee (Discipline) which meets to discuss any permanent exclusion cases and has the power to reinstate an excluded pupil or to reduce the term of the exclusion.
Please contact Mrs Barnes on 01777 731700 to request copies of the Governors Meeting minutes.